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Welcome to Commitment Academy!

First, let's start with a quote:

" One good day does not mean you can coast tomorrow. You never have it fully licked. Making good choices is an endless process. Many areas of our life that we value most...our relationships, our fitness, our craft...require continual commitment." James Clear

So here it is, my first ever blog post, my first website. The start of many firsts to come to help grow this platform into a community of people who want to learn to:

1. Commit to something in the service of themselves or others.

2. Honor commitment.

3. Be held accountable to others.

4. Re-commit.

The Near Term Vision

Initially this blog will cover my own journey that led me here along with me making public to you my commitments and my process of honoring those commitments. Over the course of December I will be looking for an accountability partner that will hold me accountable to my commitments and of course my re-commitments through support, encouragement and kindness.

As I will be a lifelong student of this academy this project is about me helping myself as much as it is helping others to learn the process I've described above and becoming comfortable with commitments that potentially make us uncomfortable.

I will start with 2 blog posts for the month of December, moving to a blog post once per week in January 2023 and beyond. I certainly hope to improve my creative writing skills during this time. I currently have a commitment to read one self development book per month, so once a month one of my blog posts will consist of a book review.

Next will be social media. I really do dread this part of it. I've always been very averse to social media for many reason that I won't get into here, but it's time to take the plunge and commit! The realty is I want this to be a community of learning and without people it's not that, so the word must travel. In the 1st quarter of 2023 I will be creating accounts on various social media platforms in order to build the academy. After all, the more people this community can serve the better. If anyone reads this and has some good ideas for a luddite on the best ways to build out a platform I would love to hear from you.

The Longer Term Vision

Honestly I have not mentally spent a lot of time in the head space of longer term....yet. I'm sure as I continue to move forward with this project that I will get a better semblance of where I'd like to see things go.

I think my first thoughts are to build this academy organically and make it interactive. I want it to be about people who come together virtually or in person or both who want to change their lives and the lives of others for the better by learning from and supporting each other. Creating strong bonds with each other through commitment, vulnerably, kindness and love.

Maybe at some point in 2023 there will be enough people who are interested to hold a Zoom session. Potentially I may create a Meetup group locally where we can hold an in person class.

I've recently created a YouTube channel for this project, so there will be video including vlogging also.

Is anyone counting the number of commitments I've made so far ?!?

I do have a full time job that is and will be my priority but I feel like I will have a better handle on where this project is going long term by this time next year.

Final Thoughts

I'm fully aware that there is a ton of self development/motivational content all over the web etc. and of course the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, but here I am now, as myself, moving into another new adventure in my life. Committed to this process but really not attached to any outcomes. I heard a successful YouTuber say that if you can create content that might help or interest just one person then you should do that. So here we are. I'm sure that this project will lead to some intended consequences and some unintended consequences and I love the idea of entering the unknown. Bring on the adventure!

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