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Let's start with a quote:

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. Frank Lloyd Wright.

So yep, here we are in the 3rd week of January and I'm already starting to see a couple of my commitments slide. Nothing crazy but just a very subtle erosion. Missing a day of my time tracker here or there. Missing a blog post for this platform. Letting my diet slide on the weekend. Well, you get the picture.

Like many people I came into the new year with a full head of steam, committed to make 2023 the best year ever. And I still am! It's just that like everyone, I'm human and I'm a perpetual work in progress. There will be slip ups on our protocols and commitments and we must acknowledge this but also be aware. Be aware of your thought patterns. You know, when you allow yourself to have that moment, have that day, or have that weekend free of whatever commitments you made to yourself. The mental chatter that accompanies this is quite interesting. The reasoning and the excuses to step back into comfort are unbelievable. Many (most?) times we don't even know we're doing it, we just go on auto pilot.

I've heard it said many times before that 100% is easier than 80% or 90%. I would say from my experience their is a lot of truth to this but it's also one of the hardest truths to accept because it leaves no wiggle room and that's pretty damn scary for most people, myself included.

So really what this post is meant to convey is, as we come off our "highs" of all the goals and commitments we made at the beginning of the year and the inevitable slip ups occur, be mindful of the your mental chatter. Be accepting and kind to yourself. But most of all recommit. Over and over and over.

There is no end, only commit and recommit.

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