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It's Time To Stop Playing It Safe

Let's begin with a quote:

"Momento mori is a reminder that we are all just passing through this world. We are all temporary residents, here for a brief moment in time. This can be a scary thought, but it can also be empowering. It can give us the courage to take risks, to live our lives to the fullest, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes our way." Ryan Holiday

Welcome to 2023!

I don't know about you but I'm pretty fired up for this new year as I have some big commitments I've made to myself and of course others as per my last blog on accountability.

My big commitment for the year is to work for 220 days of 2023 and for each of those 220 days I must time track exactly what I'm doing each hour of the day, from the time I wake, to the time I go to bed. Including things like what did I ate that day, tracking my runs/workouts, catching myself lost browsing the internet or social media etc. In general this commitment is going to help me shine a flashlight on my days and help me become more aware of how I'm spending them. It will help me build new productive habits and remove my own kryptonite or self destructive behavior by making me more mindful of the hours that pass and the choices I make. After all aren't we all just products of our choices and actions? I will ask myself throughout the day as I fill in my time tracker, "is this action moving me closer to who I want to become?"

You see, this is also about learning how to stop wasting time. Time is my most valuable asset. It's finite. No matter what ever else happens in my life time will still keep moving. This has become particularly more acute as I age. The author Ryan Holiday whos books I'm a big fan of introduced me to the term" memento mori" translated to "remember you will die". It's coming for ail of us.

This isn't just about wasting time though, this also about playing it safe. Not having the courage to move through that self talk that paralyzes us when it instills a fear of pain, uncertainty, or hard work that keeps us from taking the action we know we should. The action that opens new doors of possibility. The action that will move you closer to actualizing your potential. The action that will allow you to live a more fulfilling and flouring life. Who doesn't want to flourish is life? I know I do. I want to squeeze every last ounce out of what life I have left.

So yep, this is my big commitment for the year, but I'm also running an experiment.....on myself. I love the virtue of curiosity as it's one of my greatest strengths and this is part commitment and part lab experiment. I can't wait for the results!

See you next week!


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