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First let's start with a quote:

“ Holding someone accountable is not something you do TO them; it’s something you do FOR them. Holding someone is accountable is a form of love; it shows them you truly care because you hold them to a high standard of excellence.” Allen Stein Jr.

This is a subject that is and will continue to be a large part of Commitment Academy. I feel that without accountability, commitment is frail. Maybe not in the beginning. We are ever so close to another new year with resolutions already starting. We get excited about our ambitious intentions, we’re motivated, feeling energized and ready to take on this new year. This is great. I’m all for this mental model of starting with a clean slate. “New Year, New Me '' has been said by many millions over many a new year. But, as I’m sure you’ve all heard, failure rates of new year’s resolutions are high. Really high. Just as a reminder 9-12% keep their resolutions. So there’s an approximate 90% failure rate over the course of the year.

I’ve done all of this. Many times over. I’ll get super pumped about a new year, start writing out goals and how I will achieve them and by when. Did I hit some of those goals? Maybe? Probably? You see I don’t even know because I lost track just like everyone else. I had written them on a piece of paper, maybe I even bought a brand new journal or printed them out. Regardless, like so many others they are lost to time.

Enter accountability. Where the proverbial rubber meets the road. And as it happens, where people really start to fear their commitments. Why do people get scared when it comes to accountability? To start with they have to tell another person that they want or need to make some kind of change in their life. This change can take many forms but the most common example would be something along the lines of either installing or deleting a behaviour or habit. Next they have to ask this same person for their help so they can be successful in their attempt to make this change. Then comes the fear of failure.

And there it is. The V word. Vulnerability.

Not only are you admitting to someone that your life isn’t perfect and there are things about yourself that you want to change, but then you need to ask for that person’s help to keep you on track because you’re not sure if you have the willpower to see this thing through. On top of this, what if you fail? Then you’ve let down someone other than yourself.

This is you being vulnerable and it’s difficult for many people. It’s also why accountability works and why you will have a much higher rate of success to the commitments that you make when you become accountable to others.

Finding accountability partners will be an integral part of Commitment Academy. Think of this platform as a community of accountability partners who want you to succeed in your commitments through vulnerability, kindness and support. More on this in future blog posts for sure.

Action Steps:

- Make commitment(s)

- Tell someone you trust about said commitment. Be detailed and include deadlines.

- Ask that person if they would a allow you to talk with them once per day/week/month to check in on your progress. The more frequency the higher the success.

My commitment to you will be to grow this platform in 2023 starting by adding a new blog post once per week. I hope to only get better at writing content that will help at least one person improve their lives.

Happy Holidays!

Chris Graham

Commitment Academy

Student and Founder

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